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Merry Meet. Merry Part. And Merry Meet Again.
You have reached Alley's web page. Have fun browsing around my head. Don't get lost because NO ONE will EVER find YOU! So just keep along the paths marked down for you. Happy hunting... but be VERY CAREFUL it can be quite DANGEROUS. DON'T blame ME if something HAPPENS to you while you are here. YOU CAME AT YOUR OWN RISK. ^.^

Here is where I put my important dates.and these are the most important dates in my whole year
Spring Equinox [3/21]
Beltane [5/01]
Summer Solstice [6/21]
Lammas [8/01]
Autumn Equinox [9/22]
Samhain [10/31]
Yule [12/22]  
Imbolc [2/02]
My b-day [12/11]
Harry Potter's B-day [7/29]
Ashley W's b-day [10/25]
Savannah B's b-day [12/25]
Mummy and daddy's anniversary [1/27]
Mummy and Aunt Jacqui's B-day [6/10]
Lisa N's B-day [7/29]  
Josh's b-day [04-28]
lauren's b-day [05-20]
If there are anymore important dates i add them later


Teh Uber Skwee!! ^.^
Blessed Be!