Here is where I put my important dates.and these are the most important dates in my whole year
Spring Equinox [3/21]
Beltane [5/01]
Summer Solstice [6/21]
Lammas [8/01]
Autumn Equinox [9/22]
Samhain [10/31]
Yule [12/22]
Imbolc [2/02]
My b-day [12/11]
Harry Potter's B-day [7/29]
Ashley W's b-day [10/25]
Savannah B's b-day [12/25]
Mummy and daddy's anniversary [1/27]
Mummy and Aunt Jacqui's B-day [6/10]
Lisa N's B-day [7/29]
Josh's b-day [04-28]
lauren's b-day [05-20]
If there are anymore important dates i add them later