My Girl Friends Shout Outs

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These are my good friends... who... are girls hehe. me wuvs them lotz and they put up with me!!

you are one of my best friends. you are there when i need you. and i am there for you. now that you have finally relized you are one of us, I am happy you found Jason. he is good for you. yay!! me loves you lotz

Sarah C.~
you are one of me best friends and i am glad we met. you are another crazy one. you give me wisdom when needed. you help me understand thing. and you are one hell of a writer and artist. me luvs ya lotz. ^.^

Lauren C~  I am glad that we met. you are like one of my best friends now... i have a fair few. you are an awesome person to hangout with. and im telling you rite now i will get us to florida. no doubt in my mind.  I feel i can confide in you and you won't judge me, and i like that. no worries i will help find you a man and a father for AJ. i wuv you and AJ. ^.^

Ashley W.~
hey i am glad i met you. You are like one of my little sisters... and one of my best friends. Don't worry i will always be around. and when i get my car i will come and pick you up. and we will go places. i promise you. i will always be here for you. many loves. me loves you bunches

I am so glad we met. you are one of me best friends. and a crazy one too. you are the only one who would run up to me in the hallway and hug me, and i think that is kool. you are a hell of a good writer. you and sarah are there to critique my writing if i needed , and that means something to me. me wuvs ya. ^.^ 

Teh Uber Skwee!! ^.^
Blessed Be!